The Great Mother is an archetype through which we can understand our relationship with ourselves. The most direct access we have to this archetype is through our personal mothers and our individual relationship with the archetype herself. These are energies that gather together in our system and express themselves both through the pain we feel in our hearts (that we often cannot rationally understand) and how we treat ourselves; the unconscious attitude we have towards the totality of our experience. This is what Jung called the Mother Complex, an internal structure that engages in the mother function within ourselves. The heart is the seat of our feeling life, where heaven and earth meet inner physical form. Many of the emotions we felt that weren't given space or permission to be expressed get stored there from an extremely young age and it's these feelings that get associated with mother, care, love, receiving, worthiness and connection. It's from this place that our capacity for self-love arises within the split from our pain and our attitude towards it. Ultimately, Healing the unMothered Heart isn't about focusing our attention on our actual mothers but on the mother as she is constellated in our hearts. We can use the map of the archetypal mother and our personal mother to discern how and where she is living outside of our every day awareness. Our relationship with ourselves happens a lot outside of our conscious awareness and it's a huge practice to shift into consciousness of how our inner family is constellated. Many of what we think of as "blocks" or "negative beliefs" that have us rooted in patterns and relationships with money, people and life has more to do with the wound running the show and our berating our own wounding than it does about blocks or beliefs. This highly influences the way we use "tools" or "personal work" or approach healing ourselves. Waking up to this split is beginning to see the Athena/Medusa split within us, where we treat ourselves the way. we were treated in moments where we might have experienced hardship, confusion, trauma or an absence of an emotional container that held us with. love. These can be micro moments of time or a long standing environment of neglect or abuse. We are far more sensitive than we give e ourselves credit for. It's this sensitivity, this aching, tender heart that contains so much of the magic, light, life and love that is an expression of our true essence and freedom. Healing the unMothered Heart is to heal our relationship with ourselves, to mend the split, forgive OURSELVES for the past and what cannot be undone, the needs that will never be met and turning a loving, compassionate inward eye, rolling up our soul sleeves and asking ourselves, how can I love more here? And here? And here? Healing the unMothered Heart reconnects us with our own capacity for self love. To see ourselves through the eyes of our own love and compassion; the eyes of our own loving, good enough inner mother. In Healing the unMothered Heart, we will be using the archetype of the Great Mother to understand how we were mothered and how this has constellated in our psyches. This will be the map with which we will journey together for 9 weeks to healing the inner mother, healing our relationship with the body as mother/child, what it is to cultivate emotional resilience and mine the wisdom in all emotions, start to heal shame, see how grief can heal our hearts and pull us to of co-dependent cycles and transforming unconscious ways of mothering ourselves through addictions into creativity and healing our own relationship with the Great Mother herself. Class Sessions:
Week One - Examining the Roots Mother is our first experience of life and becomes the roots of our body, mind and soul. We will examine what it is to have an unMothered hearts for roots, lay the foundation for the journey of healing and explore the archetype of the Mother to gain an understanding of the style of mothering you experienced. Week Two - Who is the Inner Mother? We will explore who the inner mother is, how she forms and experience how the inner mother dwells within our body and psyche. You will discover the connection between the style of mothering you experienced and your inner mother and how this impacts your capacity for self-love, compassion and kindness towards yourself. Week Three - Healing the Inner Mother This week we will learn and dive into the nature of the wounded inner mother, set the foundation for self-forgiveness and understanding towards our inner mother. Discover the internal relationship between your inner child or wounding and your Inner parent. Learn and experience a practice for healing the Inner Mother. Week Four - Nourishing the Roots Mother is our body and is the nourishment we crave from physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Our attitudes towards our body and nourishing ourselves, giving to ourselves and opening our hearts to receiving our own love are a crucial part of inner mothering. You will also receive information and practices for creating safety within your body. Week Five - Shedding Light on Shame Shame is a deep relational wound as a result of unMothering that is often unmetabolized grief that has not been held or witnessed that is turned in on the self. We will explore this relationship to grief and how grief can be an important ally in healing the gap between being unMothered and what you still need. We will also explore how grief can help us to let go of what really wasn’t enough if it wasn’t us. Week Six - Codependency as an Unconscious Search for the Great Mother It is often the wound of the unMothered Heart that seeks out wound mates, seeking for the relief of that good enough mother we never had but hope for. The wound seeks out what is familiar, because this is what is wired in as love. It is the wound that is trying to be known, to reveal itself to us for our own love and inner mothering. Week Seven - Grief is Love Grief is love and holds the key to liberating you from anything that ties you to codependent patterns of searching for mothering. It’s crucial to be able to grieve what never happened and what you never received to make space for more love. Discover how conscious grieving can be a secret to transforming surviving in your life to thriving in your life and experience a community grief ritual. Week Eight - Forgiveness and Boundaries What is it to forgive ourselves for not having been loved rather than holding ourselves hostage because our mothers could not love us? What is it to forgive our mothers and also mother ourselves in the way we need to in order to be happy? What do boundaries have to do with mother? What are boundaries and what blocks us from setting them, keeping them or having them? Week Nine - Addiction and Nurturing the Creative Spirit We will explore how addictions as an unconscious attempt at mothering ourselves. Addiction locks up our creative energy and offers us a doorway through which we can heal our relationship with the Great Mother and gain confidence in ourselves and life again. How can we transform a painful past into a thriving life? Week Ten - Remembering the Ground of the Great Mother Healing the inner mother is a journey back to the Great Mother as a spiritual source of love that we can always tap into for nurturing, nourishment and guidance. The elemental feminine teaches us how to hold ourselves in our hearts and honor the transformative power of our emotions, creative energy and grief for shaping us into whole, embodied souls with grace, kindness compassion and ease. Daily practices are crucial for strengthening the muscles of seeking the good, loving mother within. |
Class Details: This is a 10-Week journey that will take place over LIVE Zoom calls and within a private online support circle. Recordings will be made available 24 hours after each class along with any practices, meditations, or contemplations for the week. You will have lifetime access to the class. Every session will include a combination of teaching, group sharing, experiential exercises and journeys. We will meet every Wednesday, for nine weeks, starting January 22, 2020 from 10-11:30am PST. See below for class modules. Financial Exchange: $600 Payment Plan: 2 payments of $310, first due at registration and 2nd on 2/19. contact me for details. After registration you will receive a welcome email within 24 hours with details for the first call and Facebook community link.
We will meet every Wednesday starting January 22, 2020 from 10-11:30am PST via Zoom and gather together in a private online support circle in between to share contemplations, practices and reflections.
Recordings of each class will be available 24 hours after the call.
Financial Exchange: $600
Payment plans available - 2 payments of $310, first due at registration and 2nd on 2/19.
After registration you will receive a welcome email within 24 hours with details for the first call and Facebook community link.
Recordings of each class will be available 24 hours after the call.
Financial Exchange: $600
Payment plans available - 2 payments of $310, first due at registration and 2nd on 2/19.
After registration you will receive a welcome email within 24 hours with details for the first call and Facebook community link.